Building Your Agenda in the App

Within the app, you can build your own personal agenda to help you keep track of what sessions you're interested in attending and save a seat for limited-capacity sessions. 

This document covers the following:

  1. Agenda overview
  2. Curate your own agenda
  3. Downloading and exporting session to your calendar
  4. Save a seat for limited-capacity sessions
  5. Search and filter sessions
  6. Rating a session
  7. Checking into a limited-capacity session onsite
  8. Can I download a PDF of my agenda?

Agenda overview

The time in the schedule will display based on Eastern Standard Time. 

Click on any session card to view additional details, such as a session description, speakers, sponsors, and downloadable takeaways (if applicable).

Filter by Date: You can view All Days or click on the different days listed at the top to only see sessions occurring on a particular date. 

Filter by Favorited and Registered Sessions: Underneath the date filters, you can also navigate to the three tabs:

  1. All Sessions - this shows all sessions happening at INBOUND
  2. My Favorites - this is your own personal agenda, curated by you, showing both sessions you’ve favorited and sessions you’ve saved a seat for via the app or on the INBOUND website
  3. Registered - this displays only sessions you've saved a seat for

Curate your own agenda

You can click the Favorite (“heart” icon) button in the lower right-hand corner of the session block to add that session to your personal agenda. Every session has a Favorite button. You can favorite as many sessions as you would like, even if they are occurring at the same time. Once you favorite a session, you can navigate to the My Favorites tab at the top of the screen to view your entire curated schedule.

Downloading and exporting session to your calendar

Attendees can export single sessions to their personal calendars on their phones by clicking into a session card from the Agenda page and tapping the Add (“calendar” icon) button, which will prompt a New Event pop-up and allow you to save without leaving the INBOUND app experience.

There is not an a way to export your curated agenda (all sessions saved to the My Favorites tab) to your personal calendar. 

Tip: Make sure to enable full calendar access for the INBOUND App in your phone settings.

Save a seat for limited-capacity sessions

Not all sessions require you to save a seat! If a session does require you to save a seat, it will have a tag in the upper left-hand corner of the session card that says Limited and a Save a seat button in the lower left-hand corner of the session card. Click Save a seat and the button text will turn orange and change to Seat Saved!, indicating that you have successfully reserved a spot in that session.

If a session card does not have a Limited label and a Save a seat button, rest assured, it has no capacity restrictions. Education Sessions, Deep Dives, HubSpot Labs, and select Meetups require you to save a seat.

Once you save a seat, you can click on the Registered button at the top of the screen to view all the sessions you have saved a seat for. If you change your mind, you can always unregister by clicking the Seat Saved! button on that same session card again to remove your spot. We’ve added more programming options this year, which means more Deep Dives, Meetups, Labs, and Education Sessions. We ask that you only save seats for sessions you intend on attending so that everyone has an opportunity to participate in our limited-capacity sessions.

You cannot save a seat for two sessions happening at the same time. If you try to save a seat to conflicting sessions (in other words, two sessions with overlapping times), you will receive a notification that the session you are trying to save a seat for overlaps with a session you are already registered for. 

Please Note: Saving a seat will automatically add the session to your My Favorites tab. However, favoriting a session that requires registration will NOT save your seat.

Session reservations open up to VIP ticket holders on August 20 and General Admission ticket holders on August 27.

Search and filter sessions

You can use the global search bar to search for a session by keyword.

Tip: The global search prioritizes results by session time. For example, if I search by typing in the keyword, “sales leadership,” the top results will be sessions happening first or earlier in the day no matter if those keywords appear in the title or only in the description.

When you select the filter icon, you can apply filter tags to narrow your results. The filter icon allows you to search by the following categories:

  • Time: the time of day the session is occurring
  • Session Reservations: if the session requires attendees to save a seat or not to access a session
  • Session Type: the format or content style of the session
  • Content Focus: what topics the session is covering from a presentation perspective
  • Location: search by a specific room at the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center


  • When you search by selecting preset filters, the more tags you select, the narrower your search results will be since the filtering functionality follows “AND” logic, meaning each session needs to have every tag you select to appear in your search results. 
    • If you select several tags in one search and no results pop up, try again by selecting fewer filters. For example, if you select both Unlimited Seating and Deep Dive, you will get zero results since all Deep Dives have limited seating and thereby require you to save a seat.
  • Make sure you check your settings before applying filters or entering a keyword into the search bar. 
    • If you select All Days at the top and you’re in the All Sessions tab before applying filters or searching by keyword, you’ll be searching the full programming lineup.
    • If you tap on the Favorites tab before applying filters, however, your search results will only show sessions you have favorited. The same applies to the Registered tab—your search results will only display sessions you have Saved a Seat for. 
    • You can toggle between the different days at the top in order to filter your results by day. This functionality even works when you’re in your Favorites tab and Registered tab. For example, if you select Sept 18 and My Favorites, only sessions that you have favorited occurring on Sept 18 will appear.
    • Tip: Be sure to "Clear All" or “X” out your filter tags and make sure you have both All Days and All Sessions before starting a fresh search.

Rating a session

Don’t forget to leave us a rating! To rate a session, click on the session card on the Agenda page, and tap the Rate (“star” icon) towards the bottom of the screen. You can submit a 1-5 star rating and type notes into the open text field. You can also leave a rating for sessions you attended in the Klik feature. We encourage you to add detail to your rating submissions—we use them to improve our programming strategy for future INBOUNDs.

Checking into a limited-capacity session

If you saved a seat for a limited-capacity session, you would simply scan your badge with an INBOUND staff member at the door to check into your session. 

  • You must arrive 5+ minutes before your session to claim your saved seat. After the 5-minute mark, we will release seats to our standby line. 
  • If the session capacity is full and you were unable to save a seat, be sure to get there early to get into a standby line. Please note, we cannot guarantee session admission for the standby line. For more information, please see our article on Onsite Admission for Limited-Capacity Sessions.

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